Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fourth Review: Iron Man Movie Series Mark V (Suitcase)

Hello! I thought I'd continue with my Iron Man 2 3 3/4" figure reviews and take a look at the Mark V Suitcase Armor. For a brief history of the armor, this is the armor that Tony Stark built in the Iron Man 2 2010 movie so he would have easy access to a suit anywhere he is. Because the suit is so portable, it lacks protection like the other suits, but is very impressive nonetheless.

For color, the suit takes the basic 'Silver Centurion' color scheme with the red and silver. Personally, I like this color scheme better than the red and gold but I still like the standard Iron Man colors as well. The details are spectacular! The silver panels lining the ENTIRE suit is just awesome and I do enjoy the amount of silver details against the dark, glossy red. Very impressive look-wise, but looks is where the goodness ends...

Articulation is the same as all other figures, which I hope you guys are familiar with, but if not...

- neck (ball joint)
- shoulders (360 rotation/in-and-out)
- elbows (360 rotation/bend 90 degrees)
- wrist (360 rotation)
- upper torso (ball joint)
- hips (forwards-and-backwards/in-and-out)
- upper thigh (360 rotation)
- knee (double-jointed)
- ankle (forward-and-back)

The articulation for these figures are awesome, and you'd believe that since the suit doesn't have shoulder armor and is much lighter weight than other armors, the articulation would be amazing, right? WRONG. The arms can barely go away from the body, not even 30 degrees! And the head can't even go up an down, just rotate 360 degrees... the articulation is a little irritating on this figure.

The accessories for this figure are the same as for other figures, a base, 3 Armor Cards, and this figure comes with a suitcase that can fire 2 missiles and open on one side, revealing details inside the suitcase. He also comes with an extra hand to hold the suitcase. All you have to do is pull off the left hand, plug in the extra hand, and then put the suitcase in the hand. Pretty simple, but I'd rather not...

(Mark V on Base, Suitcase Missile Launcher, Extra hand, & Armor Cards)

(Suitcase open, revealing inner mechanics and details)

(Baaaaaad arm articulation... left -- all the way in/right -- all the way out)

(Mark V in Action Pose)

Overall, I'd give this figure a 3/5... Reason being is because the detail and overall appearance is very nice and crisp, but articulation is VERY disappointing and I'd prefer it to be a bit better. Would I get it? Sure. Would I recommend it? Nope, but if your a collector like me, it's a nice figure to have.

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